We believe that along with the medications your body needs a well-balanced diet made by keeping in mind the condition of your body and how to take you out of it towards healthy living. Our diet makes sure to keep your dietary needs at priority while providing you the diet for the disturbed parameters which causes thyroid disorders, PCOD/PCOS, Diabetes, Cholesterol, and many more.


  • Cleansing of the body
  • Carefully planning the plan to tackle disturbed body parameters
  • Regular follow up to track the progress
  • Managing the underlying disease with carefully planned diets
  • Scheduled body parameters analysis to maintain discipline

How we Work

There will be a consultation call to proceed things with Dt.Bharti

A full body parameters evaluation will be done to know your body in-depth

You will be provided with a diet plan based on your eating habits, likeliness, and lifestyle

To help things up, we will give you interesting recipes, magic tips, and dietary care

The diet plan will be refreshed weekly once the follow-up call of 15 minutes will be done

The follow up call will focus on the progress so far, good or bad about the journey, and what changes or additions you need further

Apart from the diet plan, extra care would be provided for skin and health care, partying options, flu recovery diets, and more.

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